We won't be beaten on price - even on voucher offers
We offer much more than great prices, but we don't want price to be a reason you shop elsewhere.
If you find the same product at a lower price anywhere else we'll match it and send you some The Bridge recommended Colonil Leather Cream for FREE*! Offer includes voucher codes, newsletter signup offers, and 'pre-payment' offers.
All you need to do is make a note of the product number, its price and the competitor you want us to match. Just email us at coxsleathershop@gmail.com with the details, and we'll get back to you within 24hrs.
*minimum spend £100 for free cream
Price match terms & conditions
- The competitors product must be brand new, and identical to ours
- We and the competitor must have stock ready for delivery
- Cannot be used with any other offer